We’re very excited to welcome your child and family to kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year.

Many caregivers have questions about preparing their child for the kindergarten experience. To help families throughout this process, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) has developed a five-week series of simple activities you can do this summer with your child. This is the fifth email in the series.

Backyard fun is the theme of this week’s suggested activities. Getting outside is important in so many ways! It’s often very calming and organizing for children, there’s naturally more movement and opportunities for sensory experiences, which are valuable for all children. You don’t have to go far; your own backyard offers a lot of different ways children can play.

Preparing for Kindergarten: Backyard Fun

One benefit to being outdoors is it lessens the time spent on screens. While televisions, tablets and other screens can provide some educational opportunities and fun, research shows that increased amounts of screen time at the expense of other typical childhood activities is not helping children.

As we wrap up our series, we invite you to enter our Preparing for Kindergarten Contest! Not only does it give your child a chance to win one of 10 prizes, but also helps the Division get feedback from our incoming caregivers.

Enter to Win!
Preparing for Kindergarten Contest
Entry deadline: Sunday, June 23, 2024

We also have plans for one additional bonus email full of social-emotional resources, so stay tuned for that one next week!

We encourage you to visit the EIPS website and check out the additional resources and all past email updates available to support caregivers.