PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident – Experian Notices
March 25, 2025
The Division has been informed the direct email communication is starting to go out from Experian—sent on behalf of PowerSchool—to individuals connected to Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) affected by the PowerSchool cybersecurity incident earlier this year. Division students, parents/guardians and staff, as applicable, whose information was involved in the incident can expect to receive an email from one of the following email addresses with information about next steps.
- Ps-sis-incident [at] mail [dot] csid [dot] com
- Ps-sis-incident [at] mail1 [dot] csid [dot] com
- Ps-sis-incident [at] mail2 [dot] csid [dot] com
Direct emails from one of these three email addresses are legitimate emails from Experian and not spam—see example.
NOTE: There are key deadlines included within the email notice for those individuals interested in enrolling for identity protection services, credit monitoring or both, as applicable. EIPS encourages families to check your spam or junk folders in case the email may have been filtered there.
If you don’t receive a direct email and were expecting to, or if you have any questions or require additional information, refer to the Cybersecurity Incident page on the PowerSchool website.