The Student Transportation Twitter/X account (@eipsST) is managed by the EIPS Student Transportation department. We may occasionally use some automation (such as tools that generate tweets from RSS feeds), but intend this will not dominate the messages posted. If you follow us, you can expect approximately three-five tweets a week covering some or all of the following:
- Alerts about new EIPS Student Transportation initiatives
- Occasional reminder messages (such as on early dismissal days)
- Invitations to provide feedback
- Safety messages or urgent traffic updates
- Occasional live coverage of events
If you follow us on Twitter/X, we will automatically follow you back. Being followed by us does not imply endorsement of any kind.
We will update and monitor our Twitter/X account during regular office hours, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, and occasionally after hours if we are live tweeting an event. Twitter/X service may occasionally be unavailable and EIPS accepts no responsibility for lack of service due to Twitter/X downtime.
@Replies and Direct Messages
We welcome feedback and ideas from followers, and will try to join the conversation when possible. While we may not be able to reply individually to all messages received on Twitter/X, we read all @replies and Direct Messages and will ensure any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed along to the relevant people in the Division. In the event of a major emerging or live breaking issue, we will respond to as many @replies and DMs as possible but we may not be able to personally get to all tweets directed our way. In this case, we will address major issues and themes to the wider audience.