Exciting updates are on the way! Program times and locations will be available this spring.
Want to be the first to know? Stay up to date on programming details and the application process by filling out the Engagement form today!
Exciting updates are on the way! Program times and locations will be available this spring.
Want to be the first to know? Stay up to date on programming details and the application process by filling out the Engagement form today!
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The Priority No. 1 request on the Elk Island Public Schools 2025-28 Three-Year Capital Plan is a new 7-12 school to replace Rudolph Hennig Junior High and Fort Saskatchewan High with one new facility on the Southridge site.
The vision for the new school includes incorporating a collegiate educational model into the replacement school by partnering with Alberta Education, Advanced Education and local industry organizations. The idea: To provide leading-edge space and programming to better assist students in preparing for careers, employment, apprenticeships and post-secondary education.
Learn more about the planning and consultation process for this capital request