EIPS will pilot two new full-day, every-day kindergarten programs in the 2025-26 school year.
STEM kindergarten at Wes Hosford Elementary
EIPS will pilot two new full-day, every-day kindergarten programs in the 2025-26 school year.
STEM kindergarten at Wes Hosford Elementary
The full-day, every-day kindergarten pilot at Wes Hosford Elementary will focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Rather than attending full days on only some days of the week, participating students will attend kindergarten for the full day on all school days.
In addition to following the kindergarten curriculum from Alberta Education, the teacher of the program will integrate STEM into all activities to create an engaging environment where students can actively participate in hands-on, inquiry-based learning.
To ensure the program is self-sustainable, families must pay an additional cost for the full-time program—$350 per month—as Alberta Education only funds a half-time kindergarten program. Parents and caregivers will be able to pay the fee annually, quarterly or monthly. The monthly fee covers staffing costs, field trips and consumable supplies to support the STEM programming.
Any families that are residents of EIPS may apply to have their child register in the full-day, every-day STEM kindergarten program at Wes Hosford Elementary. This program must have sufficient registration for it to be offered for the 2025-26 school year.
Wes Hosford Elementary will also continue to offer regular kindergarten programming as they have in the past. The determination about whether the school will offer the Calendar A schedule, Calendar B schedule or both will depending on regular program registrations received.
2025-26 Kindergarten Calendar A and B
The full-day, every-day kindergarten pilot at École Parc Élémentaire is for students registering in the French Immersion program. Rather than attending full days on only some days of the week, participating students will attend kindergarten for the full day on all school days.
To ensure the program is self-sustainable, families must pay an additional cost for the full-time program as Alberta Education only funds a half-time kindergarten program. Normally, the program fee would be $350 per month—however, because of the Official Languages in Education Programs Grant, EIPS can offer the program at a subsidized cost of $75 per month, for a total of $750 per year. Parents and caregivers will be able to pay the fee annually, quarterly or monthly. The monthly fee covers staffing costs, field trips and consumable supplies to support the programming.
Any families that are residents of EIPS may apply to have their child register in the full-day, every-day French Immersion kindergarten program at École Parc Élémentaire. This program must have sufficient registration for it to be offered for the 2025-26 school year.
École Parc Élémentaire will also continue to offer French Immersion kindergarten programming as they have in the past with students attending only some days of the week. The determination about whether the school will offer the Calendar A schedule, Calendar B schedule or both will depending on applicable registrations received.
2025-26 Kindergarten Calendar A and B
Interested families can register their child in the applicable full-day, every-day kindergarten program as part of the 2025-26 Kindergarten Registration process that opens at 9 a.m. on February 1. When registering, families will select the applicable school and program combination in the school field on the registration form.
Different from regular kindergarten programming, parents and caregivers must apply for these pilot programs by February 28. If there are more applicants than spots available, a random selection draw will take place. Families will be notified of their child’s acceptance into either program after March 1, 2025.