“Today marks National Indigenous Peoples Day, a time we collectively recognize and honour the histories, diverse cultures and significant achievements of First Nations, Métis and Inuit in Canada.
“Schools throughout Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) are undertaking events and activities that acknowledge our shared past as Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. All of us must take time to reflect on the issues First Nations, Métis and Inuit faced—and continue to face—across the country. As we continue discovering truth and through that, advancing the process of reconciliation, EIPS remains grateful for the guidance and wisdom shared by First Nations, Métis and Inuit Elders and educators on our ongoing journey of learning.
“By embracing Indigenous teachings, heritage and traditions, we are hopeful we can build stronger cross-cultural understanding, create welcoming and equitable access to education, and shape a more positive future for all students and families in our Division.
“On behalf of EIPS, I encourage all our students, staff and school communities to take time to appreciate and enjoy National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations throughout Elk Island Public Schools.”
Trina Boymook
Board Chair, Elk Island Public Schools