On May 1, EIPS parents Krista Scott and Jacquie Surgenor Gaglione presented ASCA’s Division School Council Engagement Award to EIPS Board Chair Cathy Allen, Superintendent Sandra Stoddard and Associate Superintendent Ryan Marshall.
Sherwood Park, AB. — On April 27, the Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) awarded Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) with its Division School Council Engagement Award at its annual conference banquet. EIPS parents Krista Scott and Jaquie Surgenor Gaglione presented the award to the Board of Trustees and senior administration at the Division’s Committee of School Councils (COSC) meeting on May 1. “We’re honoured to receive this award,” says Cathy Allen, the Board Chair at EIPS. “It’s a shining example of the partnership we have between the Division and the families at the schools across EIPS. Without their support, we wouldn’t be the school division we are today.”
Scott believes EIPS embodies what the Division School Council Engagement Award stands for, as one of ASCA’s Awards of Recognition. “EIPS demonstrates effective, inclusive and collaborative practices in partnership with school councils divisionwide. Together, we’ve achieved a remarkable impact, benefitting student learning and school division success. As such, EIPS is deserving of ASCA’s Division School Council Engagement Award.”
The nomination for EIPS highlighted examples of the Division’s commitment to parent and caregiver engagement—a priority in the EIPS Four-Year Education Plan. “As an EIPS parent for approximately 15 years, I believe this school division is a great example for how they engage parents—and the community,” says Surgenor Gaglione. “The Superintendent has repeatedly said that parents are critical to student success and her actions match her words. Her fundamental belief around the important role parents play trickles down through her senior leadership team, principals and teachers.”
Kerry Bodell, the President of the ASCA Board of Directors, agrees with Scott and Surgenor Gaglione. “Much in the way that children need a village to raise them to be healthy and successful, school councils need parents, principals, teachers and school division leaders to support them to best fulfill their legislated roles as advisors and advocates. EIPS’ COSC is an exemplary example of how each of these important stakeholders in education consistently come together, respectfully and collaboratively, to ensure each school council has the knowledge and opportunity to operate efficiently and effectively. ASCA is proud to recognize the EIPS COSC for this intentional, meaningful and integral partnership to improve and enhance student learning across the Division.”
Committed to the vision of a respected and empowered school council in every Alberta school, ASCA encourages parent engagement in education at the local, regional and provincial levels, primarily through the vehicle of a school council. ASCA provides resources and support and promotes positive relationships between parents, teachers, principals, central office personnel and school trustees.
“This is our award—the families, the schools and the Division altogether,” says Sandra Stoddard, the Superintendent at EIPS. “We received this honour because of the effort and dedication of so many people across EIPS. I’m proud to work in a division that truly values parent engagement and can’t wait to explore even more possibilities to get parents and caregivers involved in their child’s education. Our partnership on common hopes and dreams for education and advocacy in this regard makes us a powerful team—a team that works to ensure high-quality, student-centred education for children in every community EIPS serves.”
Elk Island Public Schools is one of Alberta’s largest school divisions, serving approximately 17,750 students in 42 schools. We are proud to be an integral part of our communities, including Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Vegreville, Strathcona and Lamont counties, and the western portion of the County of Minburn.
ASCA: Awards of Recognition
EIPS: Four-Year Education Plan
For more information, media can contact:
Laura McNabb, Director, Communication Services, EIPS 780-417-8204 cell 780-405-4902