Sherwood Park, AB. — As a provider of choice in education, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) consistently delivers a broad range of programming options for students of varied backgrounds and interests. From specialized languages and faith-based programs to advanced academic opportunities and competitive sports, students within the Division have the chance to push past their limits and find meaningful ways to contribute to and grow their communities.
Two EIPS programs focus on enriching academics for students—the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme and the Advanced Placement (AP) program. Both are offered to students in grades 10-12. “If you’re a high-achieving student, an academic program is for you,” says Jonathan Ho, a Grade 12 student at Salisbury Composite High. “The material is challenging, and the teachers are great—the best part is having a community of peers who think alike.”
Delivered at Salisbury Composite High, the IB programme is an academically and creatively challenging course of studies for students. IB is an excellent choice for those who are seeking a heightened level of preparation for post-secondary education and beyond.
“IB gives students the opportunity to be creative,” says Brad Duxbury, an IB chemistry teacher at Salisbury Composite High. “In my class, they get to design and carry out their own experiments rather than following the cookbook—there’s a big difference between having an idea in your head and making it happen in the lab. We also cover a few topics in IB that the Alberta program doesn’t.”
Meanwhile, the AP program is currently offered at Bev Facey Community High. AP is an internationally recognized and academically rigorous program that allows high school students to receive credit and advanced placement at every English-speaking university within Canada and nearly all colleges and universities in the United States. AP can be used for admissions, credit or both in 450 institutions across 75 other countries and regions around the world.
“I’d especially recommend AP for students if they plan on pursuing post-secondary,” says Roshan Hassan, an alumnus of Bev Facey Community High. “The program introduced me to high level material I’d eventually come across in university. I was pushed outside my comfort zone and encouraged to flex my mental and cognitive muscles.”
Interested students and families are invited to attend upcoming AP and IB information sessions:
Advanced Placement Information Session:
Date: Jan. 26, 2023
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Bev Facey Community High; gymnasium
99 Colwill Blvd., Sherwood Park, AB
International Baccalaureate Information Session:
Date: Feb. 1, 2023
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Salisbury Composite High; gymnasium
20 Festival Way, Sherwood Park, AB
New and returning students may apply to the IB or AP program during the registration process beginning February 1.
Elk Island Public Schools is one of Alberta’s largest school divisions, serving approximately 17,460 students in 43 schools. We are proud to be an integral part of our communities, including Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Vegreville, Strathcona and Lamont counties, and the western portion of the County of Minburn.
EIPS Academic Programs
For more information contact:
Laura McNabb, Director, Communication Services, EIPS 780-417-8204 cell 780-405-4902