Sent to all EIPS families


Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) registration for the 2025-26 school year is underway. Below are the details you need for the coming weeks.

Kindergarten Registration – Now open
Kindergarten registration is now open. If your child turns five years old on or before Dec. 31, 2025, you’re eligible to register them for kindergarten for 2025-26. As in past years, the registration process is entirely online. Find all the details on the Division’s Kindergarten Registration web page.

EIPS is also piloting three full-time kindergarten programs across the Division in 2025-26. These include full-time STEM kindergarten at Mundare School and Wes Hosford Elementary and full-time French Immersion kindergarten at École Parc Élémentaire. Registration for these pilot programs is open to all EIPS families. The deadline to register is February 28.

If you have any questions about kindergarten registration, contact the school where you plan to register your child.

Returning Student Registration – Opens February 10
The 2025-26 returning student registration process for current EIPS students takes place Feb. 10-24, 2025. On February 10 between 9 a.m. and noon, current EIPS families will receive a Returning Student Registration 2025-26 form through Permission Click. No log in is required to complete the form.

The form will come from Permission Click to one parent or guardian for each student. The recipient is determined by the identified contact listed on the most recent registration form, Correction and Verification Form or Student Information Update submitted to the Division. If no parent or guardian in your family has received a Permission Click form this school year, contact your child’s school so they can troubleshoot the issue and ensure you receive the returning student registration form to complete—refer to the frequently asked questions for more details and instructions.

All current EIPS students, PALS to Grade 11 and some Grade 12 students, must complete the returning student registration process—whether they're continuing at the same school or moving to a new school next year:

  • if you'd like your child to attend your designated school next year;
  • if you'd like to apply to have your child attend a non-designated school next year; or
  • if your child will not return to EIPS next year.

Returning Student Registration 2025-26 forms are due Feb. 24, 2025.

For more information, refer to the Returning Student Registration web page and associated frequently asked questions. And, if you still have any questions, contact your child’s current school.

New and Returning Students: Applying to a non-designated school?
To be considered for enrolment in a non-designated school or program in the upcoming school year, families must make that request during the new or returning student registration process. Acceptance at a requested non-designated school is based on available space. Some EIPS schools have closed boundaries because of high enrolment numbers and are not accepting registrations from non-designated students.