Sherwood Park, AB. — Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) Board of Trustees has approved the Division’s Three-Year Capital Plan 2020-23. The plan is reviewed and updated annually and prioritizes key capital projects for the Division. The top priority listed in the plan is a replacement school for Sherwood Heights Junior High.
“Sherwood Heights Junior High has served students in Sherwood Park for the past 61 years,” says Trina Boymook, the Board Chair of EIPS. “It’s now aging and in need of significant repairs and renovations. A new replacement school will go a long way in addressing the educational needs of students and provide a learning environment that will allow them to succeed in the classroom.”
The Board is also working with several community partners, so if approved by the province, the replacement school also serves the larger community of Sherwood Park. While the Sherwood Heights replacement school is the Board’s top capital priority, the provincial government has the final say in determining what school replacement projects receive funding. The government’s decision is based on an analysis of Three-Year Capital Plans submitted from school divisions provincewide.
Other priorities listed in the EIPS Three-Year Capital Plan include a replacement school for Rudolph Hennig Junior High; a cluster study within Sherwood Park involving École Campbelltown, Pine Street Elementary and the Sherwood Heights Junior High replacement school; and value-management studies in Fort Saskatchewan and in Vegreville to better understand how the changing urban populations will impact future enrolment.
“The Board is committed to working with the province to ensure projects for aging schools, such as Sherwood Heights Junior High, continue to receive funding,” says Boymook. “Ultimately, infrastructure projects like this ensure enhanced learning opportunities for all our students.”
Now that the Three-Year Capital Plan 2020-23 is approved, the Division will submit it to Alberta Education for funding consideration.
Three-Year Capital Plan (2020-2023)
EIPS is one of Alberta’s largest school divisions, serving approximately 17,150 students in 43 schools. We are proud to be an integral part of our communities, including Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Vegreville, Strathcona and Lamont counties, and the western portion of the County of Minburn.
For more information contact:
Laura McNabb, Director, Communication Services, EIPS 780-417-8204 cell 780-405-4902