Sent to all Brentwood Elementary and Westboro Elementary families
Now that the returning student registration process is closed, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) is reviewing all submitted registration forms to begin planning for the 2023-24 school year. Part of the process includes assessing enrolment numbers for the elementary Logos Christian program.
As background, the elementary Logos program has experienced a significant drop in registrations in the last few years—making fulsome programming challenging. To address the issue, EIPS consulted the Logos school community, between June and October of 2022. Through the engagement efforts, the Logos community asked EIPS to postpone a decision to allow it time to promote the program. The Division listened and delayed a decision until after the 2023-24 returning student registration process. The extended time also allows the EIPS Board of Trustees to see the actual anticipated registration numbers for Logos in 2023-24.
As mentioned, EIPS administration is now reviewing the anticipated enrolment numbers for the Logos elementary program. Once complete, it will prepare a report and recommendation for trustees to consider at the public Board meeting on March 16, 2023. If there is a significant increase in enrolment, EIPS will recommend the elementary Logos program remain unchanged at both Brentwood Elementary and Westboro Elementary. If enrolment remains low, EIPS will recommend the Board consolidate the elementary Logos program at Brentwood Elementary, effective for the 2023-24 school year.
Regardless of the outcome, the Division will send all school families an email informing them of the final decision on March 16.
- If the decision is to keep the elementary program unchanged, the information collected through the 2023-24 Returning Students Registration Form remains unchanged.
- If the decision is to consolidate the elementary Logos program, all school families will have an opportunity to confirm or change the school and program they want their current kindergarten to Grade 5 child to attend for the upcoming school year—the deadline would be March 23.
To view the Board report, refer to the meeting package posted online on the afternoon of March 13.
Whatever decision is made, the Board will ensure it’s in the best educational interests of all students. Again, EIPS will make sure to keep the entire school community informed as details become available. In the meantime, for more information, or to subscribe for updates, visit