Sent to all current grades 8 and 9 families


Dear Elk Island Public Schools families,

As you’re planning for senior high, mark you calendars for one or more of the upcoming senior high open house events scheduled throughout the Division. The open houses provide an opportunity for students and families to meet staff, tour the school, learn about the curriculum, gain insight about specific programming available and so much more.

Additional information about planning for senior high is available at

Did you miss the EIPS High School Information Session earlier this month? The PowerPoint presentation and a recording of the information shared are available on the Division website. The presentation provides an overview of senior high courses, instruction, programming and extracurricular opportunities throughout the Division, as well as details about diploma requirements and various career path options.

Returning student registration for the 2024-25 school year takes place February 8-21.

Thank you,
Elk Island Public Schools